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Village Groups and Organisations

KCA associated groups

CARPET BOWLS CLUB Meet at the Community Centre Wednesdays 2.00pm–4.30pm, and Sundays for matches. Please see our page for further information. Contact Bill Summers

CENTRE CAFÉ Open every Thursday 2.00pm–4.00pm. Please see our page for further information

FILM CLUB October–March at Kedington Community Centre. Doors open 7.00pm. Please see our page for further information, and the What’s on page and Upcoming events list for our 2024/25 season films, info, times and dates. Join on the day or in advance. Contact Steven Barrett Email:  kedingtonfilmclub@btinternet.com

KEDINGTON FRIENDSHIP CLUB For over 55s and retired people. Meet weekly on Tuesday afternoons 2.00pm–4.30pm for refreshments, board games or just a chat. Kedington Community Centre. £2. Just come along, or for further information contact Steven Barrett 

KETTON PLAYERS Amateur Drama Group. Meet at the Community Centre Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7.30pm. Please see our page for further information, and the What’s on page and Upcoming events list for our current productions. Contact Sue Brown