Snow White panto 2009

Ketton Players

Ketton Players was formed in 1978 as a section of the KCA. We perform two to three productions per year, with a pantomime in December/January and a play in April/May. Our other production is usually something different, such as a Murder Mystery Dinner Play, or a Revue.

We are members of NODA (National Operatic and Dramatic Association) and have won awards from them for our pantomimes and plays.

We are always pleased for new people to join us, either as a performer on stage, or helping backstage with costumes, props and sets, and sound and lighting.

We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 7.30pm at the Community Centre.  If you are interested in joining us please pop along, or contact Sue Brown or Ella Rowsell for the Youth Group. We are an adult group (16 onwards – there is no upper age limit). However, for pantomimes we welcome anyone over the age of nine, although they must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

For further information regarding the next Ketton Players production, please see the What’s on page Events Calendar.

Ketton Players is an associated group of Kedington Community Association.