Ketton Lotto

Please get in touch with our Lotto Administrator Lynda Woodward to find out more about our village Lotto and join in!

For only £13 annual subscription (plus yearly KCA Membership of £2) you could win one of seven money prizes each month, with a DOUBLE payout in June and December! You will receive your own unique number which you will retain as long as you contribute. Purchase extra numbers for £13 per year for extra chances to win. View and download the updated 2022 Ketton Lotto Rules and Registration Form here.

Prize winners will be notified each month, with a full list of winners published in the Ketton Review and displayed at the Community Centre. Half of the amount collected for Ketton Lotto is paid out in prize money, and half goes to the KCA towards the upkeep of the Community Centre and Great Meadow. The more people who join in the higher the prize money!