K.C.Giggs live music events

As of our last Bobstock Live Music and Beer Festival in 2024, K.C.Giggs have disbanded after a fabulous 11 years of live music at our Community Centre. We all need a break, and hopefully some new muso’s from the village will take up the mantel with new ideas to promote live music in the village and raise funds for our Community Centre and Great Meadow.

Our first big event was the first free Bobstock Live Music and Beer Festival in 2013, which proved enormously popular with each subsequent year, and we became known for our great selection of local real ales, ciders, and food including speciality pies, scotch eggs and burgers provided at our events. We held themed live music nights, including a Jazz Night, Folk Night, Blues Night, Rock Night, and concerts with St Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir, Prime Brass, and the fabulous Les Canards Sauvages from Uzes, France. We also provided the bar at our annual Meadowlark Fete and many of our other events. Thank you to all our helpers who worked their socks off to make every event so enjoyable.

Many thanks for your custom over the years, we will miss you!