Kedington Carpet Bowls Club

The Kedington Carpet Bowls Club started 30 years ago and meets to play socially at the Community Centre every Wednesday between 2.00pm and 4.30pm. League and County matches for those that wish to play at that level are played on a Sunday afternoon usually during the winter months.

The Club is very friendly and new members are always made most welcome. We enjoy teaching newcomers the rules and how to play. For the uninitiated the game is played on a mat approximately 30 feet in length and six feet wide, using biased bowls of four inches in diameter. On the centre of the mat there is an 18 inch block and the delivery of the woods takes place from a designated area. All bowlers use the same woods, this removes the need for players to purchase equipment themselves, making it a relatively inexpensive sport to take up. The Club has its own set of bowls and a mat roller for easy storage.

Another important aspect of the game is that it is a sport that is played with no discrimination. Both male and female as well as less able-bodied people have the ability to compete on an equal footing. Come along and have try – it’s great fun. Just turn up…

For further details please contact Bill Summers.

Kedington Carpet Bowls Club is an associated group of Kedington Community Association.