Village groups and organisations

KCA associated groups

CARPET BOWLS CLUB Meet at the Community Centre Wednesdays 2.00pm–4.30pm, and Sundays for matches. Please see our page for further information. Contact Bill Summers

CENTRE CAFÉ Open every Thursday 2.00pm–4.00pm. Please see our page for further information

FILM CLUB October–March at Kedington Community Centre. Doors open 7.00pm. Please see our page for further information, and the What’s on page and Upcoming events list for our 2024/25 season films, info, times and dates. Join on the day or in advance. Contact Peter Deeks

KEDINGTON FRIENDSHIP CLUB For over 55s and retired people. Meet weekly on Tuesday afternoons 2.00pm–4.30pm for refreshments, board games or just a chat. Kedington Community Centre. £2. Just come along, or for further information contact Peter Deeks

KETTON PLAYERS Amateur Drama Group. Meet at the Community Centre Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7.30pm. Please see our page for further information, and the What’s on page and Upcoming events list for our current productions. Contact Sue Brown

Children’s clubs

KEDINGTON RAINBOWS (5–7 yrs) Tuesdays 4.30pm–5.30pm at Kedington Community Centre. Contact Emma Brown

1st KEDINGTON BROWNIES (7–10 yrs) Tuesdays 5.30pm–7.00pm at Kedington Community Centre. Contact Lisa Morley

1st KEDINGTON GUIDES (10–14 yrs) Tuesday 5.30pm–7.00pm at Kedington Community Centre. Contact Sarah Lyons

1st KEDINGTON RANGER GUIDES (14–18 yrs) Tuesdays fortnightly at Couples Primary Academy Chalkstone Way, Haverhill CB9 0LB 7.15pm–8.45pm. Contact Sarah Sprigg, or for more general questions regarding Guiding please visit our website

KEDINGTON BEAVER SCOUTS (6–8 yrs) Wednesday 5.00pm–6.15pm at Kedington Community Centre. Contacts Katie Birnie and Anita Hunt 

KEDINGTON CUB SCOUTS (8–10½ yrs) Wednesday 6.30pm–8.00pm at Kedington Community Centre. Contacts Beckie Howland and Matt Garwood (Cub Scout Leaders)

KEDINGTON SCOUTS (10½–14 yrs) Wednesday 7.00pm–9.00pm at Kedington Primary Academy. Contact Andrew Hattam (Scout Leader)

SCIENCE CLUB (9–15 yrs) Different topic each month. Second Saturday of the month 9.30am–11.00am at Kedington Library. Contact Derek Raine

STOUR VALLEY EXPLORER SCOUTS (14–18 yrs) Meet Kedington Community Centre Wednesdays 7.30pm–9.30pm. Contact Claire Morey

for babies, toddlers and pre-school children. Wednesdays 11.00am–12 noon at Kedington Library. Contact Ann Bellamy

TODDLER GROUP Meet Tuesday mornings at Kedington Royal British Legion Hall. Contact Gemma Covington

Sports and keep fit

HAVERHILL WALKING FOR HEALTH All ages welcome. Contact Wendy and Jim Foster for further details and our current walks programme

HAVERHILL TOWN FOOTBALL CLUB FA Charter Standard club league and cup football for both adult and youth teams. The Great Meadow, Kedington. Contact Andrew Ferney

KEDINGTON VETERANS FOOTBALL CLUB Sunday Football for ages 35 years plus on the Great Meadow, Kedington. Contact Stuart Watson

(Kedington-based) For 35 years plus. Contact Chris Loveday. Both Veterans teams play in the Cambridgeshire Veterans league

STOUR VALLEY KARATE CLUB Meet Thursdays at Stour Valley Community School, Cavendish Road, Clare CO10 8PJ. Juniors (7–12 yrs) 6.00pm–7.00pm. Seniors and adults (13+ yrs) 7.00pm–8.30pm. Contact Geoff Price

Other groups

BELL RINGERS Meet Monday evenings, and ring for Sunday services and weddings at St Peter and St Paul Church Kedington. Contact David Bush

CHURCH COFFEE MORNINGS Tuesdays 10.00am–12.00pm at St Peter and St Paul Church Kedington. Homemade cakes, savouries and refreshments. Contact Claire Shirm

CHURCH IN THE FIELD Now closed. Those of us who live in the village, and members who live elsewhere, are still available for anyone who would like prayer or a listening ear. Contact Brian Watts

CREATIVE WRITING GROUP Third Wednesday of the month 7.30pm at Kedington Library. Contact Kedington Library

GENTLEMEN’S BREAKFAST CLUB Full English breakfast and guest speaker. £8 per person. Fourth Saturday of the month at Kedington Community Centre 9.00am–11.30am. Contact Tony Farr for general enquiries and Paul Davis for booking and dietary enquiries

A friendship group in Haverhill providing support and companionship for sufferers of memory loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s, and their carers and family. Meet Tuesday’s at West End Church, Withersfield Road, Haverhill CB9 9LA from 11.00am–2.00pm. £2pp per week. (Free trial session). Contact D Wendell

HAVERHILL & DISTRICT TWIN TOWN ASSOCIATION Find out more about us on our website. Contact Elaine McManus (Secretary to the Association)

KEDINGTON ART GROUP Meet Mondays 2.00pm–4.00pm at Kedington Community Centre. Contact Ruth Pairpoint or come along to meet us

KEDINGTON GARDENING CLUB Meet first Tuesday of the month 7.30pm at Kedington Royal British Legion Hall. Membership is £8.00 per year, or £1.50 for visitors. For further information regarding events please see the Ketton Review. Contact Janice White

KEDINGTON LIBRARY AND KEDINGTON LIBRARY FRIENDS See the Kedington Library page for opening times and full information. For enquiries relating to the Library or the Friends group, please contact Ann Bellamy

KEDINGTON ROYAL BRITISH LEGION For hall hire, events, and to join the Legion please contact Kirk Pearson

KEDINGTON WI Meet at Kedington Royal British Legion Hall the first Thursday of the month 7.30pm. Contact Linda Stearn

KETTON BOOKWORMS Book Club. Second Tuesday of the month 2.00pm at Kedington Library. Contact Ann Bellamy

KETTON LUNAR SOCIETY Science Discussion Group. First Wednesday of the month 7.30pm–9.00pm at Kedington Library. Contact Derek Raine

KNIT, STITCH AND NATTER or anything crafty. Beginners and experts welcome. Wednesdays 1.00pm–3.00pm at Kedington Library. Contact Ann Bellamy


ST PETER AND ST PAUL CHURCH Contact Church Wardens Jill Davis or Marion Farrant


SUFFOLK WILDLIFE TRUST Haverhill Group. Meet at East Town Park on the second Wednesday of the month September–April. Our meetings start at 7.45pm and entry is £2.00 per person. Contact Paul Sadler

TOP TIME Social group for older people. Meet Fridays 9.30am–11.00am at Kedington Library. Contact Ann Bellamy

Schools and councillors

KETTON EARLY BIRDS Pre-school and Out of School Care. Church Walk, Kedington, Haverhill CB9 7QZ. Contact 01440 709666 or email

KEDINGTON PRIMARY ACADEMY Church Walk, Kedington, Haverhill CB9 7QZ. Contact Sandy Duers, Senior Administrator 01440 702787

WEST SUFFOLK COUNCILLORS FOR CLARE, HUNDON AND KEDINGTON Contacts Nick Clarke 07876 561781 email; Karen Richardson 07876 561781 email; Marion Rushbrook 01440 704229 email

COUNTY COUNCILLOR Contact David Roach 07738 264113

KEDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Kedington Community Centre, Arms Lane, Kedington, Haverhill CB9 7QQ. Contact clerk John Boxall 01440 708577 (answer phone)